
My name is Alvaro Flores and I was born in Watsonville California, grew up in the Coachella Valley, and have been residing in San Diego since 2006.

My background is in branding, but as technology and people evolve, so has my skill set. As with branding, I have also fine tuned my approach with web design and all of its components.

Even though I developed a passion for branding, I have also developed a passion for another process during my professional career… user centered design. Its easy for designers to design something for aesthetics rather than usability when usability is the main goal.

“You cannot understand good design if you do not understand people; design is made for people.” –Dieter Rams

Education / Experience

College Of the Desert / 2003–2006

Associate of Arts

San Diego State University / 2006–2009

Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Graphic Design